Congratulations on saying YES to a journey that
will change the trajectory of your life!

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Because I know you want to get started right away, along with a brief overview of the next three months, here is your very first assignment! This program is based on small, doable steps and none of the assignments are longer than five minutes. That being said, if you are ever in the groove, and want to spend more time than that, that’s perfectly fine too. Just don’t burn yourself out! Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare? Slow starters tend to finish the race!

Assignment Number One – Ear Worm!

What song tends to get stuck in your head? 

I don’t care if it’s Baby Shark, Who Let the Dogs Out, Can’t Touch This, YMCA or Yellow Submarine, we all have certain songs that get stuck in our heads. What is that song for you?

When you signed up, I asked you this question: At the end of this program, if we were wildly successful, what would your life look like? I want you to take a few words from that answer, and turn them into lyrics to that ear-wormy song.

For example, if the song lyric that tended to get stuck in my head was; you spin me right round baby, right round like a record baby, right round, round, round… and what success looked like for me at the end of the program was knowing who I was, what my strengths were and moving into the next phase of my life without feeling rushed, harried, or stressed and really enjoying all the blessings that I had.

I might write the lyrics, I know my shit baby, feel joy baby, like a boss baby, I’m on track, track, track right now baby.

Got it? It’s fun!

Don’t’ work too hard, and know that it will evolve over time as you continue to “sing” your song!
Don’t forget to share your lyrics with me! Now for a brief overview, so you know where we are going.


Month One 

Journaling – Gain Clarity & Become More Decisive

Go from confused and overwhelmed to competent and clear so you can become decisive, knowledgeable, and move into your desires, and practice your new skills.

Month Two

Meditation – Cultivate Calm in Stressful Situations

Stop feeling anxious, broke, self-righteous, or angry and start feeling calm and more accepting of yourself, the betraying partner, and the situation you are in


Month Three

Movement – Embody Confidence

Instead of waiting for external conditions to be met in order to be happy or make a decision, take the mental projection of desire and emotion deeper and embody and become who you want to be.


Welcome, I’m so glad you are here!



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