Have you ever wished that your life were somehow different? Perhaps you felt that you were working hard, but hadn’t really found your purpose, your reason for being? David Karchere felt that way too, but by delving into emotional and spiritual intelligence, he was able to figure out and explain how we experience life’s journey, why we sometimes feel devoid of purpose, and how we can burst through our own, blocked emotional doorways and find the happy, fulfilling life we crave.
The key is living like the sun! Just like the sun, we have life-giving properties that we can shine on others in order to make ourselves happier, healthier and more connected to our purpose. As a spiritual teacher and motivational speaker, David teaches others how to unleash the creative power within to become as brilliant as the sun. His new book, Becoming a Sun: Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life, is written in poetry and prose, and is filled with experiences and exercises to help us cultivate and experience the personal wellbeing and empowerment we desire.
If you are ready to SHINE like the SUN, this show is for you!
David Karchere is a motivational speaker, workshop leader, composer, educator, International best-selling author and thought leader on Primal Spirituality. He’s a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and originated the Healing Chant Workshop and the Journey Into the Fire Intensive and offers workshops and lectures. He is the author of Becoming a Sun: Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life, a #1 international best-seller in 13 categories in five countries. Karchere lives in Loveland, CO. For more information visit https://davidkarchere.com/
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