Corin Grillo

Are you ready to welcome 2020 with abundance, joy and Angel Miracles? Then this is the show for you! You will learn how to connect with your angels, purify your energy, and be open to receiving guidance, love and abundance from your angels every day!


While some people think of angels as being sweet, loving, heavenly beings who sit around singing and playing the harp, in reality they are actually powerful allies who are always available to help us manifest the health, wealth, and life we dreams. Build your dreams and live your sparkle with the angels? Yes, please!

Corin Grillo, author of The Angel Experiment and founder of the Angel Alchemy Academy, is a trained psychotherapist, angel channel, healer, and teacher. She has helped thousands of people all over the world go from angel-curious to angel-powered. As she likes to say, “When you invite the divine to help you in your life daily, you are seizing an incredible opportunity to receive additional support, deep healing, and expedited manifestations of pure goodness. By hiring the angels to come to your aid, you are hiring the most powerful army known to humankind to whip your life into shape in beautiful, magical, and even miraculous ways.”

The Angel Experiment is based on a popular 21-day course Grillo has been offering only since 2015, with miraculous results.  It outlines a nonreligious, yet highly spiritual, step-by-step method for working with the angels in just five to ten minutes a day for 21 days.  The book’s guided daily meditations and invocations offer readers a tangible experience of how angels can help them manifest the life they truly desire. And in case you were wondering, two of those meditations are included in today’s show!

The Angel Experiment also relates inspiring stories that Corin and her clients have experienced of physical and emotional healing, finances improving, and addictions vanishing. It also offers targeted techniques — including the specific angels to call upon — for various life challenges.

So, if you are ready to learn:

  • A powerful way to talk to angels so that they can hear them and help them
  • How to hear, see, and feel the angels in their lives
  • How to create a daily ritual of inviting angels into their lives
  • Which specific archangels will help them manifest more cash, more love, more peace, and more protection
  • 21 daily angel prayers/invocations that will help them open the road to manifesting miracles, and
  • 21 healing meditations that will heal and detox their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls

This is the show for you! As Corin says, “I invite you to let go of everything you thought you knew about the world and about yourself, and make room for the possibility that everything in your life can be healed in miraculous ways through the help of the angels. From this point forward, anything is possible for you, miracles are real, and your angels are listening. Even the sky isn’t the limit.”

As we enter into a new decade, there is no better time to get a handle on your life in all areas – mind, body and spirit, and books from New World Library will absolutely help you get there! My book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self can help you with your mind and your perspective, (Listen to Lora’s Show HERE) Carly Pollack’s Feed Your Soul: Nutritional Wisdom to Lose Weight Permanently and Live Fulfilled, (Listen to Carly’s show HERE) will help you with your body, and Corin Grillo’s The Angel Experiment will get your spiritual house in order!

Download your FREE copy of “15 Ways to FLAUNT! TODAY” at

Pick up your copy of my number one bestselling book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self on AmazonBarnes & NobleIndieBound, or wherever books are sold!