Delete Drama and Feel Better Fast!
Download My Betrayal Recovery Tool Kit
- 53 minute guided meditation that guides you to “delete” or “rewrite” memories or experiences that cause you pain, thereby temporarily diminishing the pain so you can function, sleep, and take care of yourself throughout this ordeal.
- Life Choreography Journal and Writing the Screenplay of Your Life exercise and booklet so you can start looking ahead, and getting clear on who you are and what you want, instead of ruminating on the past.
- Free Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide which details three simple steps that you can take right now to feel better fast. Your life is not over – it’s just shifting…
- Access to my private Facebook Community , Betrayed to Brilliant - Flourish After Infidelity.
- Get Chapter 7 of my book FLAUNT! and start writing the screenplay of your life.
- Podcast Episode to help you to Rewrite Your Betrayal Story
Don’t spend another day this lost and confused. Strip out of the resentment and bitterness and slip into a joy-filled life that you love.