What is Starting Strong: Affair Recovery for the Newly Betrayed & How Will it Help Me?
Learning your partner has been unfaithful pulls the rug out from under you, leaving you struggling to make sense of what happened and find your footing again. Like it or not, you are on a journey with so many twists and turns you are bound to feel confused, nauseous, and downright helpless. If you are looking for tools that will help restore your sense of sanity and control so you can feel better along the way and make healthier decisions, this is the program for you.

Deep, profound connection with someone who has been there too and can whisper in your ear and guide you every step of the way.

Strategies, skills, and support to help you feel OK on the inside, no matter how bad things get on the outside.

In the moment, customized support so you will never feel lost, alone, and helpless or have to wait for your next session again.